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William Henry O. Lake

Sunday School Papers Etc.

God Speaks to Us

I suppose each of us at sometime or other has wondered why God does not speak to us as he did to so many people in the Bible. We read all through the Bible of God speaking to this person or that person but we seldom hear of him speaking to anyone today. Yet I wonder if God is speaking to many of us today just as plainly and clearly as he did in biblical days.

I believe there are several reasons why we do not hear Him today.

One reason is some of us are like Elijah in the story in scripture. We're listening for the big booming noise of God telling us to do some great act or earth shaking deed for Him and we miss His still small voice that tells us to help that neighbour in some work he is working so hard to finish or to pick up that friend in our car who is struggling along the street with an armful of parcels or some other act of kindness that opportunity presents to us or to do some of the smaller tasks around the church as well as the bigger and more important ones.

At Christmas time we hear very clearly the big Voice saying "Peace on earth and Goodwill to men." We nearly "Knock ourselves out" financially to make it a wonderful time for our loved ones but all of the rest of the year we miss the still small voice pleading for food or clothing or money for those in far off lands who are not as fortunate as we are. Yes we even miss the still small voice that is asking for tolerance and understanding for people of other races or colours or religions here in our own continent or country or city.

Yes the earthquake and fire and wind is in our lives today and so is the still small voice asking for help for those who have been afflicted by those tragedies.

Another reason we don't hear the voice of God is because we do not listen. We are so involved and busy with our own problems, businesses, social & recreational affairs that we don't have time to listen for Him. Our problem isn't that we haven't enough time but rather we are filling the time we have with so many unimportant things.

I believe God can speak to us anytime and anywhere and in many ways if we will only take the time to listen.

How many people are there today [who] find it almost impossible to get up on Sunday morning to go to church at 11 o'clock. But when the occasion arises they can be on the golf course by nine or out fishing by 6:30.

Others are too tired from the social event the night before to get out to church.

If they can't take time to listen to God at church, when and where will they listen for Him. We are listening to hear God in some world shaking events but we miss the still small voice of God in the small kindly acts that are being done all around us.

I believe that God speaks to us in many way through our Bible, through our ministers & teachers & through good music and good reading, through his wonderful world of nature.

Who of us could tell our families we love them in such a beautiful way as God does to us in the springtime when the earth comes to life with its flowers and green grass and budding trees and song filled birds.

Who of us could show our desire for our families' pleasure as God doest to us in the summer when the whole outdoors becomes an area for fun and rest.

Who of us could show our concern for our families' health and well being as well as God does to us in the fall when He presents us with bountiful harvests that insure us of food for our strength and health for another year.

Who of us could express our concern for the dwelling place for our families as God does to us in winter when he brings frost and snow to give the earth a time to rest for the next season.

God can speak to us anytime, anywhere, in many ways if will reserve a part of our time for quiet meditation.

Listen. His words are always so helpful.

--Scripture reading for this meditation: 1st Kings, Chapter 19, Verses 11-13.

Navigation Aid: Papers | William H. O. Lake

Last Updated
March 4, 2024